The Parsifal project (2018-1-PL01-KA201-050865) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Mountains in legends: paranormal and full of spiritual energy, more than simple settings

Mountains and unusual rock formations are the most impressive natural settings for legends. Most of the times the magic and the awe of a mountain were combined with the realities of the mountain life, so the inhabitants entwined stories and legends around imaginary beings. The importance of mountains in legends made them seem, most of the time, not simple settings for the development of the plot but characters themselves. The travel starts with the Romanian legend “The living fire” the dragon, guardian of a well whose water would cure any type of disease, is defeated by a brave human, but he still can breathe fire that emerges to the surface of the earth (natural phenomenon of the gas escaping from deep within the earth). The travel continues to Bulgaria, where, in the legend “Belintash”, the mountain has a special strong energy that can be quite perceived by people. We go further to Poland, to “Legend of Mount Ślęża”, in which the mountain is said to be the gateway to hell, a place with spiritual energies.

Start from Romania

The Living Fire