The Parsifal project (2018-1-PL01-KA201-050865) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Legend of Gingerbread

The history of the Confectionery Factory "Kopernik" is a history of people who created it It all started 250 years ago. Toruń gingerbreads (Thorner Lebkuchen, Thorner Honigkuchen) - traditional Toruń pastry, made by bakers for about 700 years.

The dough is made by hand from flour, water, milk, honey and spices in appropriate proportions. Then they are baked in the oven at a stri ... more >>

Bies and Czady (Bies and San)

A longtime ago when the picturesque land of hills, forests and mountainous pastures was pure, an evil being resided there- Bies. From the appearance he was similar to man, though bigger and horned. At his shoulders he had large bat'swings. Evil Bies was envious of his land and he didn't want to share it with anyone. As the absolute ruler he didn't let neither for shepherds, nor for mercha ... more >>

Legend of Mount Ślęża

Before Ślęża mount covered the gateway to hell, each night the devils were going out, admiring beauty of earth – vast forests, animals, rivers – they envied people all that. Devils could not understand why people were happy living here, although they had to work hard and wake up at dawn.

At dusk, devils were sneaking and listen to simple stories people were telling each other about how ... more >>

The legendo of Skarbnik - Miner's guardian

People in Silesia pass around a story of a miner who met Skarbnik (Treasurer). The miner wasn’t lucky, because he didn't know how to say "no", so others were using him. He always had to work in places where he had very hard work and where he couldn't find good coal. It was painful for him and his family because he couldn't earn enough money. His family was starving and he felt worse every da ... more >>

Tale of Mr Twardowski

Toward the end of the eighteenth century there lived in Kraków a magician, Mr Twardowski, who quite properly was called the Faust of Poland, because of his dealings with the Evil One.
In his youth Twardowski had followed the study of medicine, and became the most celebrated doctor in all Poland. But Twardowski was not satisfied with this. He craved greater and still greater power.
At last o ... more >>

Legend of Warsaw Mermaid

Once upon a time there was a sea mermaid who got lost and swam up the Wisła (Vistula) river. She took a rest on the riverbank. She looked around, fell in love with the harmonious surroundings and decided to stay.

Local fishermen started noticing that something unusual was disturbing the river’s calm waters and releasing fish from their nests. Not deliberating much, they decided to catch ... more >>

Legend about Wawel Dragon

In Poland, a long time ago, in a den at the foot of Wawel Hill, there lived a terrible dragon. None of the inhabitants of the city Krakow from the poorest beggar to His majesty King Krak didn't know where it had come from and how it got there.
Everyone always trembled with fear. Always having the scary thought that the knigths guarding the dragon made their hair stand on end when they heard t ... more >>

Three Crowns

The legend says that the Three Crowns and the entire Pieniny owe their creation to the saint Kinga. Fleeing the Tatars, she threw her crown behind her. Rocky peaks grew out of it, which stopped the infidels, and in memory of this fact, they were called the Three Crowns after centuries.
History, however, says that during his first Mongol invasion of Poland, Kinga, the Hungarian princess was a chi ... more >>

Legend about Lech, Czech and Rus (first Polish settlement)

In the old age, the Slavonic tribes lived in prosperity and in harmony with each other. They were ruled by brave brothers: Lech, Czech and Rus. These rulers were both brave in battle and wise in power. The subjects led a wonderful life, enjoying the prosperity that came during the reign of three brothers. The Slavic tribes quickly populated the area they ruled and began to fear of starvation.
Th ... more >>