Multiplier event on educational opportunities about ICT and traditional legends, within the European project PARSIFAL, THE LEGENDS RESEARCHER
EuroEd, as organisers, decided to held the Multiplier event in Suceava – city located in North-East of Romania, and catalogued as location with low opportunities and with various disadvantaged target group – dealing with disadvantages from economic point of view, lack of opportunities for teachers to access training programmes, with very poor infrastructures in schools, students with low results in schools, students with very high rate of parents abroad, students with the highest rate of school abandon in the country. In this context, the event intended to reach a specific target group related to students with special educational needs from the specialised Inclusive Education School Center. Parsifal project has been evaluated as a successful educational product with high impact for this category of target group. For this reason, EuroEd as organisers involved the most essential public authorities in the field of education from the County, the School Inspectorate and the Teachers Training Department.