Project Description
Young people make an extensive use of the technical potential of ICT based devices. This, without appropriate guidance, might lead to insufficient reading and writing skills. As a consequence, the educational system needs to teach how to exploit technologies as a mean to promote and reinforce literacy skills, benefiting from their attractive potential.
The objective of the Parsifal project (2018-1-PL01-KA201-050865) is to use ICT to allow students to improve literacy through an aware knowledge of the cultural heritage surrounding them, at the same time carrying out a comparative analysis with the cultural heritage of other European areas.
Target Groups
The main target groups of the project are:
- School Teachers
- Students
- School Directors
- Policy Makers in the Field of Education
The project activities will be organized in the following phases:
Phase 1 - Identification of legends and traditional tales
This phase is devoted to to the creation of on-line repository of legends and traditional tales related to the cultural heritage of the regions involved in the project. The repository will be available both in English and in the national language of the country the legend belong to.
Phase 2 - Elaboration of transnational comparative analysis
The traditional tales and legends presented in the on-line repository will be analyzed and compared at transnational level in order to identify the common European roots.
Phase 3 - Creation of an online interactive map
The on-line Interactive map - also available in mobile as an App - allows the student to identify the hot spots where there are places/objects with a cultural relevance that are presented through the legends and traditional tales.
Phase 4 - Testing
Each of the deliverables produced will be tested with the representatives of the target groups. The testing phase allows the collection of relevant feedbacks from the end users in order to further improve the deliverables produced and create results that are fully consistent with their needs and expectations.
Phase 5 - Multiplier events
A number of multiplier events will be organized to disseminate the results reached, the methodology implemented and output produced in the Parsifal project. The participants in the multiplier events will be higher education lecturers and students.
Expected Results
The main project deliverables include:
- On-line repository of legends and traditional tales
- Essays with transnational comparative analysis
- Online interactive map
The project starts on 01 October 2018 and finishes on 30 September 2020.